
A hike in the Lava Fields!

Mauna Kea

We again joined Arnott's Lodge for their Mauna Kea Hike Sunset and Stargazing Tour since rental cars were not recommended to go to the Summit. Ben, a Native of Kauai was our guide. His obvious affection for this Volcano and the stars that can be seen from its summit made our tour very enjoyable and interesting!

A rainbow can usually be seen in these falls on a Sunny day. This apparently is a rare thing in Rainy Hilo which averages 100 inches a year! The day we left one evening it rained 7 inches!

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On Pu'u Huluhulu (Cinder cone), a State nature reserve at 6500ft., a Koa tree can be found. These trees can only be found on the slopes of Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa and Haleakala between the elevations of 6000-10,000 feet. Beyond is Mauna Kea.

The area surrounding Mauna Kea was ranched by John Parker. The area was given to him by King Kamehameha I after Parker culled maverick cattle brought over by Captain George Vancouver!!! in the late 1700's.

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The Endemic Silversword   was very abundant in the early 1900's. These fragile and rare plants sporulate once every 20 years or so after which they die. They are currently protected and are making a slow comeback.

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Panoramic view on the top of Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa in the background with the Observatories in the foreground. Elevation here is 13,600feet.

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The Highest outhouses in the US if not the WORLD! Sorry measurements are given in meters.

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The Shadow of Mauna Kea during the sunset.

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Haleakala, Maui  in the distance.

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A Hawaian Shrine on the top of Mauna Kea. 13,780 feet.

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Lee Lau!

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Subaru, the two Kecks

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Back home you can see the ocean from our hotel room! The offshore winds didn't make for safe windsurfing  though.

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The rental car!

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A hike in the Lava Fields!
