Sorcerer – Day 6&7 – Shreddies, Heppallumps and Woozels

The last Thursday and Friday were supposed to be socked in. So to the trees we go! Shreddies Bowl and Trees.

Turned out Thursday cleared up and we could do a final alpine run down Heppallumps.

Friday, not so lucky and we were shut out of the alpine. At least the Shreddies area offered some great low vis bowl and tree skiing.

Skinning up from the Moraine, Escargot in the back. We started out with Adrian and Nancy who went up towards Perfect Glacier as we went to Shreddies

Stu on Shreddies Ridge, Escargot and hut trees in the back

Small cornice on Shreddies bowl ridge to huck

Familiar trek on the last three days!

Shreddies bowl delivers!

Nice 300m shot

Lots of terrain

Then we drop into the big Shreddies slide path

Skinning out from 1500m

Swiss col and Iconoclast in the back

We met the other group at the top. They shredded Shreddies too and skied a different slide path down to Ventego Creek

We headed up Eat Your Wheaties Ridge to ski Heppallumps

It was very nice!

Channelling our inner heli skiers

A comforting view!

Group Shot!

Team Red

Tracks of our last two days

Sorcerer – Day 6&7 – Heppallumps and Woozels at EveryTrail

And the complete week

Sorcerer – Complete at EveryTrail

Sorcerer – Shreddies Slidepath – Heppallumps

Sorcerer – Shreddies – Woozels

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