Whistler Blackcomb to open designated uphill skiing routes on both mountains

Whistler Blackcomb to open designated uphill skiing routes on both mountains – March 19, 2020

Access will be available to the general public—no Epic Pass necessary Per Pique

News release from Pique

Per WB – ” Maps and information about where these designated routes are located are in the process of being posted at the base of each mountain, as well as on the resort’s website, according to Riddell. “As you can imagine, there’s a lot of moving pieces,” he said. “. For now here’s a pic posted by Escape Route

The Escape Route wants to say a special thanks to the Leadership team at Whistler Blackcomb. They convinced the Vail crew down south that an uphill route makes sense for our community. I know that wouldn’t have been easy and do appreciate it. Now it is up to all of the users to respect this and understand that uphill travel inbounds is a privilege not a right.

The enclosed map is the most likely route but can change as avalanche conditions change and operational conditions dictate. At the base of the uphill route in the village is where the sign for the day will be. That is the information you will need to adhere to. Make sure you ski safe everyone. Any injury that demands rescue or medical treatment takes resources away from where they are needed most at the moment. Play Safe.

Another grab from WB – not the highest res.

A large scale picture grabbed from the WB site and marked up with the route in green arrow. DOWNLOAD BY RIGHT CLICK TO GET LARGE SIZE TO BROWSE

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