Kokanee Glacier Day 5 to 8 – Pyramid, Enterprise Creek, Happy Valley, Commission Creek

Kokanee Glacier Hut Trip – Feb 13 – 20th 2014.

Day 5,6 and 7 Maps and Profiles Glory Basin and Nansen

Day 5 the group headed up Pyramid to Kokanee Glacier to the Repeater tower to check email etc since Internet was slow to non-existent at the hut. There was some good spring corn on West facing slopes later in the day.

Day 6 Lee and I did a loop heading up Enterprise Creek and back down Nansen. Lots of good potential in this area, if you were to go to Nansen from Enterprise, take the low angle option and gain Nansen once on the ridge. It was very steep for us to skin/boot up the first open slopes but stability was bomber so whatever. See this Image for the Nansen side of the ridge you need to gain.

Day 7 Lee checked out Happy Valley with the group, I skied with Glade, Jen and Michelle. We found some a good three inches of dust on crust up Commision Creek and below tree line on Pyramid.

Day 5 – Kokanee Glacier via Pyramid Peak

Morning Routine

Glade and Geoff are busy!

Skinning up Pyramid

Everyone is checking their phones!

View towards  Joker Lakes

Lee gets dust on crust on Pyramid


Day 6 – Enterprise Creek to Nansen

Skinning up Enterprise

Robert Smith Gnar

Other group coming in from the other way, get to ski baby heads!

The Igloo is DONE!

Inside the Igloo

Kokanee Kitchen

Glade gets busy on another project, the LUGE


Day 7 Commision Creek, Pyramid and Happy Valley

One group checks out Happy Valley

Legit 3cm of dust on crust!

Back at the Lodge, the Luge is getting faster!


Group Shot – Lee, Sharon, Jen, Graham, Rob, Megan, Stu, Gareth, Rob, Geoff, Glade, Jimmy, Jackie, Michelle, Linda

Yoga by the Heli Pad

Artsy Heli Shot

Commission Creek from Heli

Griffen Creek from Heli

The other make work project – a 29r! (Photo from Stu Wiley)


Day 5

Skin up Pyramid, down Kokanee Glacier PDFMaps

Day 6 – Enterprise Creek

Enterprise Creek PDF Maps

Day 7 Commision Creek and Pyramid

Commission Creek and Pyramid PDF Maps

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