Whitecap Alpine – Day 2 – Vampiro Lesbos

Vampiros Lesbos, a place rarely skied since there is lots inbetween here and the hut when 80km winds hadn’t schralped the snow. This area is SE of Star Mountain. We skied a couple of runs S of Star Mt. After we got back to the col near Star Mountain a group summited a small peak for some views and another group went with Lars to the West Ridge to see if there was any good snow there.

Todays Group – Neil, Lars, Lee, Janitha, Geoge, Dan, Jake, Steve.

We group near the hut for a short ski down the McGillivary creek drainage.

Then we go down

Lars catching us swiftly without even breaking a sweat, wearing his Arcteryx Atom LT jacket!

At the col, it is warm

We continue along the alpine bowl

Top of Vampiro Lesbos with Lars ( photo by Jake Stein)

We get to our objective, the snow is variable with some nice spots. You can see the valley cloud in the distance towards Anderson Lake.

Then we climb back up to the sunny col.

Neil, Lee, Jake, Dan and George opt to boot pack a small summit to get a view.

You can see Lars, Sharon and Steve on the other side of the valley on an East facing slope looking for some pow!

Not bad turns considering.

As a side note, Neil makes these Alpine Threadworks packs. Very nice, simple and bomber.

The snow is consistent off this peak.

We then head down the softened south facing slope back to the lodge.

Where snacks await!

And a beef flank dinner

and Chocolate with Strawberries for desert!





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